
本文最后更新于 2023-11-30,文中内容可能已过时。

1 常见情况

1.1 由 and 或 both and 连接的并列主语,谓语动词一般用复数

  1. English and chinese are two quite different languages.
  2. Both brother and sister tire of city life.

1.2 一但主语前被 no,every,each 所修饰时,谓语动词用单数

  1. No desk and (no) chair is seen in the hall.
  2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  3. They each have been to the Forbidden city. each 位于主语后,所以谓语动词用复数

1.3 当主语表示同一事物的两个部分,同一个人的两个身份(第二个名词前无冠词),谓语动词用单数

比如 the(a)horse and cart a watch and chain a knife and fork a cup and soucer the butter and bread

  1. The horse and cart has fallen down the cliff(悬崖).
  2. Butter and bread is his favourate.
  3. The poet(诗人)and writer has been sentenced(判决)to death.
  4. The poet and the writer have been sentenced(判决)to death.

1.4 两数相加或相乘,单复皆可,相减或相除,只能用单数,量词做主语,用单数

等于:be,equal,be equal to,make 相加:and,plus 相减:minus 相乘:multily,time 相除:divided by

One and one make(makes) two.

2 就近原则

not only…but also there/here be or,nor,either…or,neither…nor,not…but

  1. There is a desk and two chairs in the room.
  2. Are you or your sister fond of classical music?
  3. An apple or two lies on the desk.(数量词后用单数)
  4. One or two apples lie on the desk.
  5. Not he but you have come.

3 就远原则

两单体两结构三 with 四除外 like,including rather than,as well as with,together with,along with except,besides,but,in addition to

  1. The couple in addition to their child are mean.
  2. Lauren,rather than anyone else was chose his partener.
  3. A library together with 3000 books was destroyed in the fire.

4 时间,金钱,距离,温度,天气,重量等不可数名词,to do,doing, 从句做主语时,谓 v 用单数

  1. To go to bed early and rise early is a good habit.
  2. What he says and behaives doesn’t concern me.

5 分数,百分数,the rest(+of+n) 做主语,用单数

谓语动词由 of 后面的名词决定,一般用单数。 分数用法:通常分子读基数,分母读序数,分子超过 1 时,分母加 s。即 基 + 序 (s)+of+n+谓

  1. Most students are in favaour of the contract(契约)but the rest disagree. be favaour of: be for,approve of,support,agree with
  2. About two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water.

6 一些短语

one of+n 或 the only one of+n, 一般用单数(定从根据中心词在 of 前后) a number of+n(用复数) & the number of+n(用单数) one in 或 one out of+n(用单数) a large quantity of & large quantity of + 可、不可数 n a large amount of & large amounts of + 不可数 n

  1. He is one of the students who were awarded the other day.
  2. He is the only one of the students who was awarded the other day.
  3. One of his family was a traitor(卖国贼,叛徒)during the world war two.
  4. A number of teenagers are addicted to the Internet.
  5. The number of students who are addicted to the Internet is up to(接近于)15.
  6. Large amounts of power are foused on him alone.==a large amount of power is foused on him alone.

7 不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数

all 修饰人,谓语动词用复数,修饰物,谓语动词用单数

  1. All are present besides the professor.
  2. All that glitters(发光体)is not gold. not 与 all/both 等连用表部分否定

8 the +adj 表一类人做主语时,谓语动词用复数

  • The injured are taken good care of in hospital.
  • The agreeable is not always the useful.(不表人)

9 成双成对的词做主语,用复数


  1. Pants are what I want.
  2. The pair of glasses seems expensive.(谓语动词与表示计量单位的名词形式一致)
  3. Three set of fashionable socks are shown in today’s evening proper(恰当地).

一系列:a piece/pair/set/suit/series of

10 以 s 结尾特殊专用名词,用单数

表学科,疾病,山脉,河流,书名,歌名,格言等 maths,physicsa(物理),politics(政治),classics,economics,Aids,SARs,diabetes(糖尿病),arthritis(关节炎),bronchitis(支气管炎),Himalayas,Arabian Night

Arabian Night sounds beautiful.

11 many a +单 n+单谓: “许多”more than one +单 n+单谓: “不止一个”

  1. Many a man thinks life is meaningless without a purpose/an aim.
  2. More than one student has put forward the suggestion.
  3. More students than one are against the proposal.
  4. More than 20% students were absent at the meeting yesterday.(不止)

12 police,people,cattle 做主语,用复数

It is reported that police are trying their best to capture the murder.

13 the Olympics & the Olympic games

The Olympices is hold every four years. == The Olympic games are hold every four year.

14 集体名词做主语,表整体用单数,表成员用复数


  1. The innovation experiment(革新实验)class consists of 24 students and enjoy chinese.
  2. Population in China is 1.4 billion or so(about) 20% (Population) have no access to clean water.

15 单复同形,sheep,deer,means,Chinese 等谓语动词依据情况而定

Many deer live on the African grassland.

16 地点状语位于句首

  1. Among the crow stand his parents.
  2. On the wall hangs an alarm clock.

17 “of”: of 表所属时,中心词在 of 之前,谓语动词由中心词决定,特例除外


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